SOVEREIGN ESSENCE is connecting back to your original blueprint. It is unveiling your truths and remembering why you came here; realizing that the life you imagine IS possible and understanding that the answers you externally look for are already coded and held within you.  You have to begin to excavate the layers of untruths that you have built up around you and connect to your innate inner wisdom, in order to bring your imagined life into this reality. 

With Three Principles

I believe anyone can begin to create the life they imagine by integrating and embodying these principles resulting in EMPOWERMENT, TRANSFORMATION & AN UP-LEVELING OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS.

Through Psychospiritual Integration Coaching, Yoga Asana, Shamanic Reiki, Breathwork, Meditation, Sound Healing, Sacred Ceremony and applying these three principles,  I want to help you align your inner & outer landscapes, uncovering your SOVEREIGN ESSENCE!

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