My name is Jessica Golden and I am a deep empathetic & intuitive Spiritual Guide . I find joy in serving as a psychospiritual integration coach, shamanic reiki practitioner, sacred ceremony facilitator, sound healer, breath-work facilitator, yoga teacher, and mala maker but above all TRUTH SOUL SEEKER.

Life can be challenging but does it have to be? As we enter into this new paradigm, The Golden Age, it is out with the old constructs and welcoming in the invitation to cultivate more creativity, softness, fluidness, LOVE & JOY.

I spent a majority my younger years, creating tension in my life; making my path more difficult than it had to be because I was leaning into the constructs around me, which didn't even resonate for me. Something just never felt right or aligned. I had this longing to go “home,” where ever that was and I was confused by the work hard/play hard mentality and money = success imprint. I kept playing into many different archetypes, struggling to feel like I belonged, while also trying to discover who I truly was and understand my soul’s purpose.

I am a highly intuitive, empathic soul and at the time, I was not understanding my gifts which led to much suffering from anxiety, depression to drug abuse and low self esteem. I lived in fear. Fear of going against the grain and fear that I would never feel fulfillment; a longing I constantly experienced. I had created so many stories and expectations in my head by leaning into “societal norms” and it paralyzed me. I knew I was different but did not realize, at the time, that my Soul’s Purpose was to heal myself so that I could remember that I am a Starseed and my mission is to embody my gifts as an Empathic Intuitive & Spiritual Guide; serving & guiding others on their path of healing, remembrance and self realization.

Years ago, I found yoga. Through asana, I found connection.  Connection to myself, so that I could better connect with others. It has deepened my relationship with myself, helping me to realize my passions and my truth; awakening my mind, body & spirit so that I could heal from the inside out. From a very young age,

I was having very mystical experiences. The physical practice of yoga is what catalyzed and reconnected me back to my mystical path, deepening my spiritual journey. It has now opened me up to a whole myriad of healing & spiritual modalities which I am certified in, practice and teach. The asana was the stepping stone which guided me to where I am now. I want to help guide you to your own stepping stone, as you begin to peel away your layers of untruths, leading you down the path of self re-discovery to who you are and connecting you back to your original blueprint, your Sovereign Essence.

I’m here to help you excavate those layers. I want to guide you in connecting to the inner wisdom at the depths of your soul, unleashing your truths and guide to re-connect and live in your SOVEREIGN ESSENCE.