“In philosophy, being means the material or immaterial existence of a thing. Anything that exists is being.”
When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? You may first notice the physical qualities of your body; the color of your eyes, the flow of your hair, or the shape of your face & figure… As you start to attach to the qualities that you are seeing, does your dialogue change? Do you begin to move into a critical or judgmental space? For instance: “My eyes are so beautifully blue and clear today, but wow have I gotten more wrinkles around my eyes? I’m starting to get older… Omg what am I going to look like next year? I’m totally not where I thought I’d be at this age in my life. I’m not making enough money. I need to be doing more…” And there you go, straight down the elusive rabbit hole!
“The only way out is through.”
- Robert Frost
I SAY GO! Take the fall down the dark rabbit hole. See what happens when you lean so far into criticism and judgement. We, as humans, are constantly playing it safe. We are always trying to stay positive and promote positivity and avoid the negative because it is labeled as “bad.” Now I’m not saying that you should perpetually indulge in negative thought patterns, but it is not in human nature to be positive all the time. You are going to have negative thoughts and that is okay! You do not have to mask them or avoid them. Life is a balance between polarities; light & dark, yin & yang, joyful & sad, good & bad…
When a negative thought enters into our minds, we can try to mask it with another thought, most likely a positive thought. We may form some judgement around that thought… “Why am I having that negative thought about that particular person? And then leading to “I’m a terrible person for thinking that!” NO YOU AREN’T. You are human and YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS. When we dismiss the negative thought and try to counteract it with the positive thought, we aren’t moving through that initial negative thought towards growth or healing and it will most likely show up again. So what do you do with that negative thought?
Bring awareness around that thought.
Notice if you feel any sensations in your body and where do you feel them, when experiencing this thought?
Detach from the thought- Observe the thought as if it is not yours (so you do not attach emotion to it)
Get curious about the thought and don’t be afraid to explore it.
Ask questions: What in my past may be contributing to this thought? What conditions or what experiences are contributing to this thought?
Is this thought just a reflection of how I see myself and not actually how I see the other person?
If your thought was about yourself, then ask what conditions in society or from my upbringing am attaching to that would cause me to think that negative thought about myself?
“When we’re identified with awareness, we’re no longer living in a world of polarities. Everything is present at the same time.”
So what the does this all have to do with connecting to the True Nature of Your Being? EVERYTHING!
Again, we are NOT our thoughts but we attach and grip so tightly to them, forming this iron clad agreement that we make with ourselves, about who we think we are. These are all Perceptual Illusions, based off of conditions and programming. What you are seeing and attaching to in the mirror is not being seen through a clear lens. You are seeing archetype layered upon archetype of the illusionary characters you have created, based on said conditions and programming, to play the roles of your human form, in this life. You are connecting to the “thought” of who you think you are and how you “think” you should be perceived in this world. This is not your True Nature.
The buddha taught that your True nature is emptiness and when the true nature is realized, the divine states of loving-kindness, compassion, empathic joy and equanimity emerge.
In order to create this state of “emptiness” that the Buddha speaks of, we must practice detachment. This is to be separate oneself from one’s own thoughts and opinions as to not be harmed by them mentally or emotionally. When we are identified with awareness around our thoughts we are then able to detach from these thoughts. It is then, when we find equanimity between polarities and become more deeply connected to the True Nature of our Being.
Get Back Into Nature.
And meditate…
Our True Nature is found within nature itself. We are all energetic bodies vibrating as one with the frequency of the earth and it is when we step back into this frequency of oneness, we step back into our True Nature. When we feel out of balance it is because our frequency is unbalanced. The Earth behaves like a gigantic electric circuit. It’s electromagnetic field surrounds and protects all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 hertz. This is called the Schumann resonance , named after Dr. Winfried Otto Schuman who predicted it mathematically in 1952.”
Interestingly enough 7.83 hertz is also the human brain’s average alpha frequency. Alpha waves are amongst 5 main categories of brain waves. They are in the middle of the scale of these 5 waves and induce a state of relaxation, not quite meditation, but close. This is where we can tap into creative flow states and tune into a space that lives below our conscious awareness.
This connection between the earth’s frequency and our brain wave frequency is of course no coincidence. Here within lies the ONENESS. As our brain waves vibrate in harmony with the pulsation of the earth we are connecting to the origin of life. We are healing and simultaneously connecting back to the natural order of nature and to True Nature of our Being.
I am loving awareness…
- Ram Dass
When I am feeling out of balance or disconnected it shows up in my body in the form of tension, as incoherent, negative & judgmental thoughts and I begin to have anxiety about the future. As I witness this happening, I begin to bring awareness to all of these sensations. I observe the thoughts, feelings & emotions and notice where they show up physically in my body. I do my best to become the most present that can, right then and there… And then, I take to the woods!
As soon as I enter the woods it is as though a veil has been lifted and almost immediately, I begin to decompress. There is this beautiful unraveling of my body with each step I take, as the previous thoughts start to dissipate and I begin to recalibrate in syncopation with the frequency of the earth. It’s like dialing in the radio to my favorite station. A station carrying the frequency of Loving Awareness.
I am enamored by the woods. It’s an incredible intelligent web of euphonic symbiotic networks all thriving as one; without judgement or discourse. We share a universal consciousness with nature. A collective consciousness that may survive physical death. As we tune into the frequency of Gaia, we begin unravel and to dismantle networks of previous conditions, programming and habitual patterns. We are all part of this mystical body of nature and we must live in harmony, in ONENESS, to return back to our True Nature. We each have own right to our unique existence & originality, this is why Cosmic Intelligence created diversity, but we all must consider how we can reconcile our personal needs of our life, with that of the collective life, so that we can restore and come back into balance. When we find this balance we open our hearts to more love and our hearts begin to beat in syncopation as one with that of our dear Mother Gaia. “ONE LOVE, ONE HEART.”
“If you go out in the woods and look at the trees and some trees are gnarled and some are straight. Some are flowering and some are barren, you just look with appreciation at the differences. You neither judge nor react. You don’t necessarily hate that tree and love that tree. But the minute you get around people it’s all different. So I would suggest you treat people like trees.”
- Ram Dass
Our True Nature is Nature. It is a Nature of Loving Awareness. It is a nature of evolution & growth. We are all a part of the universal harmony of nature and may we all harmonize in the Oneness of Love. Once you have found the love, you have connected to the True Nature of Your Being. Welcome home, you have found your Sovereign Essence!
Blessing of Love & Light to you all!
Namasté, Jes